
"Tupai was a descendant of Kai and Taha-rakau, of the Turanga (Poverty Bay) district; and of Rangi-aia of the Tuhoe people."

Biographical sources

  • Nga Moteatea: He Maramara Rere No Nga Waka Maha. The Songs: Scattered Pieces From Many Canoe Areas. Comp. A.T. Ngata. Trans. Pei Te Hurinui. Pt. 3. Wellington, N.Z.: Polynesian Soc., 1970. 163.


  • "He Oriori Mo Te Whakataha-Ki-Te-Rangi/A Lullaby For Te Whakataha-Ki-Te-Rangi." Nga Moteatea: He Maramara Rere No Nga Waka Maha. The Songs: Scattered Pieces From Many Canoe Areas. Comp. A.T. Ngata. Trans. Pei Te Hurinui. Pt. 3. Wellington, N.Z.: Polynesian Soc., 1970. 162-173.