Joseph Tutaki

Ngāti Maniapoto

No details.


  • "The Head of Karu." Told by Joseph Tutaki to A. Taylor. Tu Tangata 30 (July 1986): 39.
  • Tutaki recounts a story concerning three brothers, Tumai, Waka and Karu who lived at Mangapehi Pa. When Karu overheard his brothers criticizing him for his laziness, he set out to prove his diligence by gathering huge supplies of food. Unfortunately he exhausted himself to the point of death so instructed his brothers on what to do with his head after his death, which he stated could be used as a talisman to instruct where the hunting would be good. Many years later there was fighting over the head and eventually it was hidden away by Tutaki’s great grandmother and never used again. This story was told to Taylor at Te Hape Pa in the King Country in 1969.