
Ngāi Tūhoe

Uhia was of the Tamakaimoana sub-tribe of Tuhoe who live at Maungapohatu. He was the medium of Te Rehu-o-Tainui, a man-eating god, and also a god of war.

Biographical sources

  • Nga Moteatea: He Maramara Rere No Nga Waka Maha: The Songs: Scattered Pieces From Many Canoe Areas. Comp. Apirana Ngata. Trans. Pei Te Hurinui. Pt. 2. Wellington, N.Z.: Published for the Polynesian Soc. by A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1961. 123.


  • "He Matakite Mo Te Pou O Urutake/A Vision of The Battle of Te Pou O Urutake." Nga Moteatea (The Songs) A Selection of Annotated Tribal Songs of the Māori with English Translations. Comp. Sir Apirana Ngata. Pt. 1. 1928. 68-71 [Notes included]. Rpt. Auckland, N.Z.: Polynesian Soc. 1959. Facsim. ed. 1972 (with the addition of Sir Apirana Ngata’s draft introduction of 1949 and a page of errata to 1959 edition, supplied by Mr Pei Te Hurinui Jones). Rpt. 1974. Rpt. Auckland, N.Z.: Polynesian Soc., 1988.
  • "He Matakite./He Matakite (A Vision)." Nga Moteatea: He Maramara Rere No Nga Waka Maha: The Songs: Scattered Pieces From Many Canoe Areas. Comp. Apirana Ngata. Trans. Pei Te Hurinui. Pt. 2. Wellington, N.Z.: Published for the Polynesian Soc. by A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1961. 122-123.