Waiharakeke Hunia Waitere

Ngāti Apa, Muaūpoko, Whanganui, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa

1917 -

Waiharakeke Waitere was born in Parewanui, the daughter of Ruakohatu Ropata and Kawana Hunia. Mrs Waitere lived in Putiki.

Biographical sources

  • Corresppondence from Tariana Turia on 17 November 2004.
  • Phone conversations with Tariana Turia on 7 and 13 August 1998


  • "Taku Piki Amohura, Amohia Te Aroha/My Esteemed, Beloved One, Uplift That Which Bears Love [First Line]." In ‘Taku Piki Amohura: My Beloved One.’ Recorded by Matutaera in Māori with English translation and notes. Te Ao Hou 23 (1958): 43-44.
  • Matutaera writes of the circumstances that led Waitere to compose this waiata. After a gathering at Te Paku-o-te-rangi Marae in Putiki, Whanganui, Waitere went to bed and had a vivid dream of a huge Māori gathering at which she sang a lament. The next morning she remembered both the melody and words of the song and later sang it in farewell to Rev. Kingi Ihaka when he was transferred to Wellington.