Kuku Wawatai was born at Waihau Bay and was educated at Tikitiki Māori District High School, Te Aute College and St Stephen’s School. He continued his studies at the University of Auckland where he graduated with a B.A. He is currently completing an M.A. thesis at Massey University. He has worked as a city councillor in Manukau City and is currently lecturer Matauranga Māori at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi.
Biographical sources
- Correspondence from Kuku Wawatai on 9 Nov. 2004.
- "Te Iwi o Aotearoa...Kuku Wawatai says..." Te Iwi o Aotearoa 1 (1987): 2.
- Wawatai discusses the public perception of Maungukaha, the Black Power organisation, and notes the impressive organisation skills and efficiency of the East Tamaki branch.
- Te Hikoi Ki Waitangi, 1985. [Otara, N.Z.: Waitangi Action Committee, 198?]. 69-75.
- In this interview with Hinewhare Harawira, Wawatai discusses his varying responses to the Treaty of Waitangi from his childhood to his adult years and describes his position on the Manukau City Council as the only Māori city councillor.