"Vincent is a second language learner of te reo Māori, having started his learning at Victoria University in 2008. Since then, the Māori language and its revitalisation have become his passion and main subject of research.
Vincent’s Honours degree dissertation explored how the ‘mana’ of te reo Māori has been discussed in the literature over time, and the ways in which the mana of the language have enhanced and inhibited upon Māori language revival.
Under the tutelage of Associate Professor Rawinia Higgins, Vincent’s doctoral research is investigating the effectiveness of bilingualism as a theoretical approach to revitalisation, and the ways in which a bilingualism approach could remove some of the anxieties surrounding Māori language use among tertiary learners.
Aside from his own study, Vincent is a Research Assistant for Te Kura Roa, a research project led by Associate Professor Rawinia Higgins (Victoria University) and Associate Professor Poia Rewi (University of Otago). This project is primarily concerned with examining the community value of te reo Māori and the evaluation of the state responsiveness towards the Māori language."
Biographical sources
- http://www.victoria.ac.nz/maori/about/staff/vini-olsen-reeder 24 November 2016
- "Te Reo o te Kuia." Huia Short Stories 11. Huia Publishers, 2015.
- The Value of the Māori Language: Te Hua o te Reo Māori. Ed. Rawinia Higgins, Poia Rewi and Vincent Olsen-Reeder. Wellington, N.Z.: Huia, 2014.
- Privilege and language trauma. E-Tangata 26 Sept 2021. Rpt. in Ngā Kupu Wero. Ed. Witi Ihimaera. New Zealand: Penguin Ransom House New Zealand, 2023. 274-278.
- "Te Kōhanga Reo and Te Ataarangi: Some preliminary findings into the community value of the Māori Language." International Indigenous Development Research Conference Proceedings. Ed. Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga. (2012): 143-150.
- Co-author Rawinia Higgins.