"Hohepa Spooner is a Lecturer in Te Ara Poutama, the Faculty of Māori Indigenous Development. His teaching and research centres on multimedia digital technology and digital learning. Hohepa is a member of the Apple Distinguished Educator Program."
Biographical sources
- https://ctechjournal.aut.ac.nz/paper_authors/ella-henry/ 25 November 2016
- International Symposium on Māori and Indigenous Screen Production: he whare tapere, 4-5 December 2010, Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae, AUT University. Auckland, N.Z. : Te Ara Poutama Faculty of Māori Development AUT University, c2010.
- Co-author Ella Henry.
- "Graphic Design and 21st Century Bookworks: Implementing multimodal strategies to include e-pub and interactive pdf formats to complement traditional book formats." HERDSA. Auckland, N.Z.: Auckland University of Technology, 2013.
- Co-authors L. Kaiser, T. Cochrane, S. Karmokar, L. Austin, E. Garden and K. Wilczynska.