Awanui Te Huia

Ngāti Maniapoto

Awanui Te Huia is a lecturer at Te Kawa a Māui, Victoria University. "Awanui Te Huia began working at Te Kawa a Māui in 2011 lecturing in the Māori language programme. She completed her PhD in Psychology with a focus on Māori heritage language learners of te reo Māori. Since completing her PhD, Awanui has been involved with a diverse range of research projects, including those that aim to support language learners of te reo Māori. Her most recent research projects include an evaluation of Te Kura Whānau Reo, a Māori language programme designed and developed by Te Ataarangi to support parents who are transitioning their homes into Māori language speaking domains. Her research also focuses on factors influencing bicultural relationships in New Zealand through examining the role of conscientisation and how the framing of history contributes to the shaping the identity in Aotearoa."

Biographical sources

  • 29 November 2016


  • "Māori culture as a psychological asset for New Zealanders’ acculturation experiences abroad." International Journal of International Relations 36 (2012): 140-150.
  • Co-author J.H. Liu.
  • "Indigenous culture and society: Creating space for Indigenous Māori cultural and linguistic development within a discriminatory post-colonial society." Psychology and Developing Societies 26 (2014): 233-261.
  • "Perspectives towards Māori identity by Māori heritage language learners." New Zealand Journal of Psychology 44.3 (2015): 18-28.
  • "Exploring goals and motivations of Māori heritage language learners." Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 5.4 (2016): 609-635.
  • "Pākehā learners of Māori language responding to racism directed toward Māori." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 47.5 (2016): 734-750.
  • "Evaluation of Te Kura Whānau Reo." Wellington, N.Z.: Ministry of Education, 2016.
  • Co-authors A. Te Huia, M. Muller and A. Waapu.