Rawinia Parata

Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tahu

She was raised in Ruatoria, attended Kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa and has worked as a senior adviser in Te Puni Kokiri before founding her own company Mai Rāno. She graduated with Master of Creative Writing from Massey University and writes fiction and drama. She won the Playmarket Brown Ink Award for her full-length play Our Side of the Fence.

Biographical sources

  • HIWA: Contermporary Māori Short Stories. Ed. Paula Morris. Consulting Editor Darryn Joseph. Auckland, N.Z.: Auckland Unversity Press, 2023. 233.


  • Our Side of the Fence. 2021.
  • This is Parata's first full-length place and was winner of the Playmarket Brown Ink Award in 2021.
  • Pai. HIWA: Contemporary Māori Short Stories. Ed Paula Morris. Consulting Editor. Darryn Joseph. Auckland, N.Z.: Auckland University Press, 2023. 235-240.