Michelle Rahurahu 'is a writer that was raised by taangata turi. She is co-editor of Te Rito o te Harakeke (Rangatahi o te Pene, 2019), an anthology of Maaori voices of Ihumaatao. She has a Masters of Arts in Creative Writing from the IIML where she won the Modern Letter Fiction prize. Her debut novel is forthcoming.
Biographical sources
- Ngā Kupu Wero. Ed. Witi Ihimaera. New Zealand: Penguin Random House New Zealand, 2023. 357.
- He kohe/Babbler. https://www.loveinthetimeofcovidchronicle.com, 2020. Rpt. in Ngā Kupu Wero. Ed. Witi Ihimaera. New Zealand: Penguin Random House New Zealand, 2023. 250-255.