- Ka mau te wehi : Taking haka to the world : Bub & Nen's story. Auckland : Ngāpō and Pīmia Wehi Whānau Trust, 2013.
- "Oho Ake." A series of Māori language programmes for TV3. Writer for Te Haeata Productions.
- Norfolk Island.
- Two one-hour documentaries (one in English and one in Māori) on the 200-year centenary of Norfolk Island. Haami was director and writer for TVNZ.
- "Tapu." Inside New Zealand, TV3, July 2000.
- Haami was producer/writer of this documentary on the religious views of a Māori belief system.
- "Māori Rugby" TVNZ, 2001.
- A one-hour documentary on the history of Māori and rugby. Haami wrote and directed this documentary.
- "Poraruraru." Aroha Films, May 2001.
- A 6-part drama series in te reo Māori. Haami was the writer and director of this episode for a series called "Aroha" which was screened on Māori Television, 2004.
- "Mataku." South Pacific Pictures, 2001-2002.
- Haami was co-creator, writer, Māori advisor and Associate Producer for this award winning 13 part drama series based on supernatural stories of the Māori. Screened on TV 3 and Māori Television.
- "Spin Doctors 1, 2, Election Special, 3." Comedia Productions, 2001-2003.
- Haami was a contributing storyliner/writer for this political satire show.
- "Dalvanius." May 2003.
- Haami was writer/reporter for this documentary by Visionary Television.
- "Shortland St and Mercy Peak." 2001-2003.
- Haami was Māori storyliner/script consultant to South Pacific Pictures.
- Māori food. Auckland, N.Z.: New Zealand Television Archive, 2003.
- "Mataku 3." 4 Winds Films Ltd, Nov 2002 – April 2004.
- Haami was co-producer/co-storyliner, co-writer for this series of 7 episodes. Played on TV 1, 2005.
- Pūtea whakairo : Māori and the written word. Wellington, N.Z. : Huia Publishers in association with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, 2004.
- "Livin' dangerously."Ngā waiata o te iwi : Let the people sing.[Wellington] : [Video Pacific Communications], [2010]
- Co-authors John Brown, Bill Young. Performed by Fade to Black.
- "Stewart, Albert Oliphant 1884-1958." ibid. 496-497.
- "Mataatua to Return Home." Tu Tangata 32 (1986): 18-19.
- Written under the name Bradford Maaka. A history of the Mataatua wharenui which was built between 1872-1874, was gifted to the Queen in 1875, was sent to the Sydney Exhibition in 1880, and then on to England where it lay in the basement of the Victoria and Albert Museum for 40 years. In 1924 it was exhibited in the British Empire Exhibition and sent back to Dunedin for the International South Seas Exhibition of 1925. The Mataatua was then given to the Otago University Museum on "permanent loan" despite the fact that Ngāti Awa was not consulted. In June 1986 a group of 20 Ngāti Awa negotiated with the Otago museum authorities for Mataatua’s return to Ngāti Awa territory.
- "Cultural Knowledge and Traditions Relating to the Kiore Rat in Aotearoa: Part 1: A Māori Perspective." Sciences of Polynesian People. Rpt. in SAME Papers: Science and Mathematics Education Papers 1993. 5-22.
- Haami states that this is "a brief history of the Māori rat."
- "The Kiore Rat in Aotearoa: A Māori Perspective." Science of the Pacific island Peoples. Eds. Geraghty Morrison & Crowl. Suva, Fiji: U of the South Pacific, Vol. 3 (1994): 65-76.
- Dr Golan Maaka: Māori Doctor. Auckland, N.Z.: Tandem, 1995. Extract rpt as "Tāwāhi." In Te Ao Mārama: Contemporary Māori Writing. Comp. and ed. Witi Ihimaera. Contributing ed. Haare Williams, Irihapeti Ramsden and D. S. Long. Vol. 5: Te Torino: The Spiral. Auckland, N.Z.: Reed, 1996. 92-99.
- Traditional Māori Love Stories. Illus. Jamie Boynton. Auckland, N.Z.: Harper Collins, 1997.
- A collection of stories from Māori tradition highlighting romantic relationship.
- "Te Hokinga Mai." New Zealand Film Archive Newsletter 1997. No further details.
- A review of a series of films focusing on going back to the Ngāti Porou district.
- He Waiata Onamata: Songs from the Past. Co-writer and Prod. Bradford Haami. Wellington, N.Z.: Huia, Te Reo Rangātira Trust, 1998.
- This double CD includes a booklet containing the texts, translations and brief history of the waiata; it received the NZ Music Award for Best Māori Language Music Award in 1998.
- "Tapu: A Pentecostal View." Stimulus: The New Zealand Journal of Christian Thought and Practice 6.2 (1998): 85-88.
- "Maaka, Golan Haberfield 1904-1978." The Dictionary of the New Zealand Biography. Vol. 4. 1921-1940. Auckland; Wellington, N.Z.: Auckland UP; Dept. of Internal Affairs, 1998. 300-301.
- "Science and Other Knowledge Systems: Coming of Age in the New Millennium." Pacific World 54 (1999): 16-28.
- Co-authors M. Roberts and B. Haami.
- "Wihiki Te Inu Matua, Hei Inu Whakaoho Kōrero/ Whisky and History." In The History of Māori and Alcohol. Ed. Marten Hutt. Wellington, N.Z.: Health Services Research Centre for Kaunihera Whakatupato Waipiro o Aotearoa/Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand (ALAC), 1999.
- "Traditional Māori Warfare." The Companion to New Zealand Military History. Wellington, N.Z.: Internal Affairs, 2000. No further details.
- "Genealogy as Taxonomy." International Social Science Journal 173 (2002). No further details.
- Co-authors Brad Haami and Mere Roberts.
- Putea Whakairo: Māori and the Written Word. Wellington, N.Z.: Huia in association with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, 2004.
- "Whakapapa as a Māori Mental Construct: Some Implications for the Debate Over Genetic Modification of Organisms." The Contemporary Pacific: A Journal of Island Affairs 16.1 (2004). No further details.
- Pūtea whakairo : Māori and the written word. Wellington, N.Z. : Huia Publishers in association with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, 2004.
- "Te Whanau Puha: Māori and Whales." Te Ara Electronic Encyclopedia. Ministry of Culture and Heritage, 2005. No further details.
- Albert and Adeline Stewart:Whanau Reunion Oct. 94. Comp. and ed. Bradford Haami. [Whakatane, N.Z.: Stewart Family, 1994]
- A history of the Stewart family of Whakatane.
- "Book Previews." New Zealand Doctor 24 Nov. 1995: 40.
- "Dr Golan Maaka." Te Māori News 4.18 (1995): 2.
- King, John. "Dr Golan Maaka - A Man of Two Worlds." Evening Post 11 Nov. 1995: 14.
- King, John, Karl Dufresne, Manuka Henare. "Books." Evening Post 29 Dec. 1995: 7.
- Leigh, Jack et al. "Books." New Zealand Herald 11 Nov. 1995: 8-9.
- "New Biography Launched on Dr Golan Maaka." Kia Hiwa Ra: National Māori Newspaper 36 (1995): 15.
- Rota, Tarewa. "Māori Doctor Caught Between Races." Sunday Star Times 19 Nov. 1995: D5.
- King, Michael. "Saved by Te Kooti." Metro (Auckland, N.Z.) 175 (1996): 115-118.
- Walker, Piripi, Kevin Bourke. "A Doctor’s Life; A Dept’s Life." Listener 10 Feb. 1996: 47.
- Stratford, Stephen et al. "Books." Evening Post 18 July 1997: 7.
- "Traditional Māori Love Stories." Te Māori News: Māori Weekly Newspaper 2.16 (1997): 8-9.
- "Te Kawarua: A Biography of Te Tawhero Albert Tuati." 1999.
- Unpublished manuscript.
- "Putea Whakairo: Māori and the Written Word." Kokiri Paetae 57 (2004): 12.
- Ka mau te wehi : Taking haka to the world : Bub & Nen's story. Auckland, N.Z : Ngāpō and Pīmia Wehi Whānau Trust, 2013.
- "The Kiore Rat in Aotearoa: A Māori Perspective." Presented at the Science of the Pacific Island Peoples Conference, University of the South Pacific. Suva, Fiji. 6-10 July 1992.
- "Whakapapa (Genealogy) as a Means of Classifying and Encoding Knowledge." Paper presented at the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science, University of the Sunshine Coast. Queensland, Australia. 11-16 July 1999.
- Co-authors B. Haami & M. Roberts.
- "Trivialisation of Cultural imagery." Paper presented at the New Zealand International Film and History Conference. Wellington, N.Z. Dec. 2000.
- Co-authors H. Haami & D. Keenan.
- "Tapu: A Māori View in Mental Health." Presented at Waikato Health Seminar on ‘Tapu’. Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, N.Z. Feb. 2001.
- "Putea Whakairo." Presented to Student Success Conference, for Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa. Auckland, N.Z. May 2005.
- "Fellowship Bears Fruit." Rev. of Nga Kōrero a Pita Kapiti: The Teachings of Pita Kapiti, ed. by Anaru Reedy. People’s History 25 (1997): 6-7.
Bradford Joseph Te Apatu-o-te-rangi Maaka Haami
Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Tūwharetoa
1966 -
Bradford Haami was born in Rotorua and was educated at St Joseph’s Convent and Trident High School in Whakatane, and at Southport State High School in the Gold Coast, Queensland. Returning to New Zealand, Haami completed a journalism course at Waiariki Polytech in Rotorua before working for seven years on TVNZ’s Koha, Marae, Waka Hsuia, Māori Sports Awards and Mai Time as researcher, reporter and director. From 1996-98 Haami was a recipient of an Internal Affairs Māori Historical Writers’ Fellowship. He wrote a history of Māori and their adaption to literacy 1845-1978 entitled Putea Whakairo, which was eventually published in 2004. From 1998-99 he held the position of Māori cultural advisor/co-concept developer and writer for the Māori Natural History Gallery of Auckland Museum. In 1998 he was senior researcher for a three-volume publication project still in progress entitled "A New Book of Māori Myths and Legends," in conjunction with Witi Ihimaera and Penguin Publishers. He researched, wrote and produced a historical CD "He Waiata Onamata", which won a New Zealand Music Award in 1998. A series of 16 English language and 4 half-hour Māori language documentaries were produced from the CD, created for Radio Zealand’s Whenua series on ancient Māori song.
Haami has been a script consultant and editor to many TV and movie scripts with Māori content, including Shortland Street, Mercy Peak, Kaitangata Twitch, Matariki, and Rena Owen project Behind the Tattooed Face, as well as co-productions Tracker and telemovie The Man Who Lost His Head.
Based in Waitakere, Haami is a researcher and university lecturer in Māori studies. He has written extensively about Māori history and culture with a string of books, articles and papers to his credit. These include the biography of ex-Mongrel boss Mob boss Tuhoe Isaac, True Red (who acted in 2010 short film Day Trip).
In May 2010, Haami was selected for the first Māori residency at the Michael King Writers’ Centre, writing a book on the whale traditions of the Māori people. He also lectures on the subject of Māori storytelling in film.
"Haami is co-director of Tauihu Media (alongside veteran producer Tui Ruwhiu). The multimedia company was responsible for the Tauihu Shorts project. Haami, Ruwhiu and writer/director Poata Eruera (Mananui) made up the Tauihu Shorts team, responsible for executive producing four short films for the NZ Film Commission's 'Premiere' short filmmaking scheme in 2011/12.
Previously Haami was a co-director with Ngamaru Raerino of Purakau Productions — a Māori storytelling consultancy — and with Pio Terei of production company 4 Winds Films Limited."
Biographical sources
- Phone conversation and correspondence with Bradford Haami, 7 Sept 1998, 6 May and 16 and 17 June 2005.
- https://www.nzonscreen.com/person/bradford-haami/biography 6 September 2016