- "Kei Konei Taku Putea Kōrero." [first line] Written by Shane Jones and Hone Harawira. Te Hikoi Ki Waitangi, 1985. [Otara: Waitangi Action Committee, 198?]: 32.
- In Māori.
- "Waitangi Action Committee, August 1985." Te Hikoi Ki Waitangi, 1985. [Otara: Waitangi Action Committee, 198?]: 92-93.
- In this paper Harawira condemns Pakeha legislation and the proposed Bill of Rights. He advocates a proposal which emerged form the Treaty of Waitangi Hui in February 1985 at Waitangi which stated: "the Treaty of Waitangi not be made part of or subject to statute law, but that it be entrenched as the constitution of Aotearoa, to which all proposed legislation must conform before being passed into law.’
Hone Pani Tamati Waka Nene Harawira
Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Wai, Ngāti Hine, Te Aupouri, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Whātua
1955 -
Hone Harawira was born in Whangarei and was educated at Rosebank Primary School, St Stephen’s College and Auckland University. He is married, and is the father of seven children, and the grandfather of two grandchildren. He has managed a Kokori Centre in Awanui. Harawira was the Executive Officer for the Te Aupouri Trust Board. He has been a manager of a Māori Radio Station - Radio Te Hiku o Te Ika - and has an advisory role in kaupapa Māori management issues. He is actively involved in Kaupapa Māori.
Harawira became a founding member of the Māori Party in May 2004 and was co-author of the Māori Party Constitution in July 2004. He is the Māori Party Member of Parliament for Te Tai Tokerau.
Biographical sources
- Phone conversation 28 July, 1998.
- http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/MPP/MPs/MPs/3/7/4/48MP126921-Harawira-Hone.htm 13 June 2008.