Willie Hona

Ngā Puhi

1953 -

Hona has been a member of Herbs and now is performs as a "solo singer with his own recording and publishing company."

Biographical sources

  • Te Ao Mārama: Contemporary Māori Writing. Comp. and ed. Witi Ihimaera. Contributing ed. Haare Williams, Irihapeti Ramsden and D. S. Long. Vol. 3: Te Puāwaitanga O Te Kōrero: The Flowering. Auckland, N.Z.: Reed, 1993. 72.


  • "Station of Love." Te Ao Mārama: Contemporary Māori Writing. Comp. and ed. Witi Ihimaera. Contributing ed. Haare Williams, Irihapeti Ramsden and D. S. Long. Vol. 3: Te Puāwaitanga O Te Kōrero: The Flowering. Auckland, N.Z.: Reed, 1993. 72-73.
  • An invitation to be part of the love of "Reggae train". This song was written and recorded by Herbs.
  • Sound recordings

  • Ngā Hau e Whā. No further details.
  • Keep an Open Heart. 1991. No further details.