Pita Kapiti

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  • "The History of the ‘Horouta’ Canoe and the Introduction of the Kumara into New Zealand." Journal of The Polynesian Society 21 (1912): 152-163.
  • Written by Mohi Turei, dictated by Pita Kapiti. English translation only. Editorial notes precede and follow this account. The notes state that this text came from a book belonging to Samuel Locke which contained the following inscription: "This book belongs to Mr. Locke, and was written by me, Mohi Turei Tongaroapeau, of Waipu." Locke adds "The matter written in this book was at the dictation of an old Tohunga, Pita Kapiti." Turei writes an account of the coming of the Horouta to New Zealand, which according to the editorial notes, "differs a good deal from others... notably in Mr. John White’s ‘Ancient History of the Māori’". This text includes a story of Kahukura, son of Rongomai and Hine-te-wai, and Rongo-i-amo bringing kao or dried kumara to New Zealand. Because of the favourable response of Toi, Kahukura returned to Hawaiki in the Horouta to obtain more kumara. The various karakia recited by Kahukura are recorded in the text; he receited these over the dried kumara and for safe travelling.